Expertise. You’ll work directly with Peter Morville, an internationally recognized leader in information architecture and user experience.
Experience. We bring unparalleled experience and credibility to the planning and structural design of websites, software, and cross-channel services.
Imagine a website chock-full of polar bear information, much of it buried under ice and snow. Peter Morville introduced the concept of findability to us, helping us streamline navigation and enhance the user experience. Our annual web visits leaped 39% after implementing his recommendations. We also found Peter great fun to work with – bright, personable, and truly interested in our conservation efforts on behalf of polar bears.
Barbara Nielsen, Polar Bears International
Information Architecture. We specialize in the structural design of complex systems and services. Whether you’re wrangling a massive website or integrating touchpoints for mobile and multi-channel, we’ll work with you to define strategy and structure in sufficient detail for design and implementation.
Research. We conduct field research and ethnography, user and stakeholder interviews, usability tests, goal and task analysis, site and search analytics, content and metadata audits, and competitive analysis.
Strategy. We collaborate to define a vision, strategy, framework, and roadmap. Our independent, user-centered, outside-in approach to planning keeps internal conflict and design-build bias to a minimum.
Design. We use maps, stories, plans, prototypes, wireframes, taxonomies, blueprints, and functional requirements to make the complex clear.
In short, what architects do for buildings, we do for understanding. We help people to find what they need and understand what they’ve found. Our process is flexible and responsive. And we’re comfortable working with organizations of all shapes and sizes.
Evaluations. We offer expert reviews with recommendations that provide a fresh perspective on existing products and allow refinement of plans and prototypes.
Workshops. In addition to public talks, we deliver on-site seminars and workshops on information architecture, user experience, organizational strategy, and planning.
Peter helped us improve findability by combining attention to detail with an understanding of the whole. Today, more than two years from our initial engagement, we continue the journey that began with his guidance and insights.
Bill Skeet, Cisco Systems
Special Projects
Over the years, we have collaborated with clients and colleagues on a wide variety of creative assignments, unusual challenges, and special projects.
Expert Panels. Assemble, coordinate, and participate on advisory boards and expert panels for special events or ongoing consultation.
Vendor Selection. Assist in the evaluation and selection of search engines, content management systems, information architects, and design partners.
Planning Coach. Using the principles and practices of Planning for Everything, advise and inspire people and teams in the design of paths and goals.
To learn more about our services and to discuss your unique needs, please contact us by phone or email. We look forward to hearing from you!
Peter is one of those people who do great thinking and scholarship but never get too far removed from real-world problems. His skill as an information architect combined with his understanding of our industry made him the perfect partner for a strategic design project.
Serena Rosenhan, ProQuest
We have experience in the world’s most complex organizational ecosystems.